Connecticut's Lighting and Grip Supplier Since 1995
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8X8 Butterfly | Frame | Fabric

8X8 Butterfly | Frame | Fabric

8X8 Butterfly | Frame | Fabric

Item NameRent Per DayQtyLength Of RentalAdd
8X8 Frame
8X8 Frame & Complete Set
8X8 Single Net Scrim, Black
8X8 Double Net Scrim, BLACK
8X8 Silk Artificial White
8X8 Solid Black
8X8 ClayCoat White / Black Reversible
8X8 Chroma Key Green Screen
8x8 Silent Quarter Grid Cloth
8X8 Silent Light Grid Cloth
8x8 Half Soft Frost Diffusion Fabric
8x8 Silent Full Grid Cloth
8x8 Griffolyn White / Black Poly
8x8 Silver Lame' Reflector
8x8 Bleached Muslin
8x8 Quarter Stop Silk
8X8 UnBleached Muslin Diffusion Fabric
8x8 Magic Cloth Diffusion Fabric

232 Branford Rd, North Branford, CT 06471|Phone: 203-208-0615||© Barn Door Lighting Outfitters LLC.